
"We asked them 'what does it look like on a video camera?'"


"I now give to you: “Rachel’s winning strategy for the 2048 game” also known as “7 things to remember when saying ‘I’m Sorry.’"

"But, is there ever a time when we would willingly relinquish our inscription in the book? Is there anything important enough to justify our certain and speedy deaths? Are there absolutes in life that we say, 'no matter the consequence, I will not give in?'"

"Between  two of the hardest moments of Abraham’s fatherhood, the exile of his elder son, Ishmael, and the near-sacrifice his younger son, Isaac, Abraham looks past his doubts, past his grief, past his pain, and answers hineni."

"We can see Pi in the world, and we can sense God in our lives, and our faith can allow us to do as Moses did, by letting us stop attempting to understand the metaphor and simply let God, and Pi, exist."