Modern Midrash Art Project
For my modern Midrash class we were instructed to select one art form and concentrate upon using it to portray, extend and embellish a biblical event, the spiritual journey of a biblical character, or a given key word or theme. I knew I wanted to do some sort of digital project. A basic google search for inspiration led me to a word cloud site, similar to my project but just in a blob instead of a meaningful picture. At first, I tried this with the whole text of the Torah, and chose Mechon Mamre just because it was easiest to cut and paste. I paired this with a google image search of “Moses." When I saw the end result I wondered how/if the words would change based on the text and went through the same process with Joshua, Judges, Samuel, etc.
This project allows viewers to ask questions about a million different texts and their statistical analyzers. A person could recreate it by focusing on parshiyot or chapters, breaking up the texts into their different authors (like JPDE or Isaiah and Dutereo-Isaiah) and so many different possibilities.
Click here to see more examples of my Modern Midrash Art in the image gallery.
The Five Books of Moses
The book of Daniel
The book of Esther
The book of Ezekiel
The books of Ezra and Nehemia
The book of Hosea
The book of Jeremiah
The book of Judges